The Ultimate Guide to Nose Piercings

Nose piercings are trendy and very bold. It’s regarded by many as the ultimate fashion accessory and is also a great way to modify the face. However, choosing the area you’d like to pierce on your nose can be tricky. In this guide we will discuss the various places that can be pierced on the nose; here’s what you need to know.

Are Nose Piercings Painful?

Certain areas of the nose can be quite sensitive and thus results in being painful. Furthermore, everyone has a different tolerance to pain levels. Depending on your threshold to pain the severity might differ from person to person.

Some areas of the nose have cartilage tissue and a piercing in these areas could be rather painful. On the other hand, the nostrils have soft skin tissue and will not be as painful.

The Different Types of Nose Piercings

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the pain levels, let’s get into the different areas in which the nose can be pierced.

Third eye piercing

This particular piercing is located on the bride of the nose, between the eyebrows. The piercer will vertically insert a needle, followed by a straight barbell.

Nostril piercing

Nostril piercings are one the most popular types of piercings and it’s really not that painful. Depending on your personal preference, you can choose to either have the left side or right side of the nostril piercing.

There is also an extensive range of jewelry that can be used for nostril piercings. However, nostril piercings are always first done with a stud. After healing is complete the stud can be changed to something else.

Typically speaking, nostril piercings are done on both men and women and in certain areas of the world, it’s known to be a cultural thing.

High nostril piercing

Similar to a standard nostril piercing, the high nostril piercing occurs directly above the nostril piercing. You can choose to have the right or left side pierced.

Austin Piercing

An Austin piercing is directly above the septum, on the tip of the nose. This piercing can be painful because the area contains a lot of cartilage tissue.

Septum piercing

Septum piercings are done on the small gap that separates the nostrils. The piercing isn’t actually done on the cartilage, but one a small area known as the “sweet spot”. Often septum piercings are also called bullrings.

As of recently, the septum piercing has become a trend that many piercing enthusiasts love. It’s something completely unique and stands out a lot more than a nostril piercing.

Healing takes around 8 weeks and the pain isn’t as bad as you might expect. Make certain that the areas is cleaned and that you do not remove the jewelry until its completely healed.

Keloids from Piercings

Septril Piercing

A septril piercing generally can only be done if there is an existing septum piercing. Typically speaking these piercings face downwards and come out of the septum.

Bridge Piercing

A bridge piercing is also commonly known as an Erl piercing. The location of a bridge piercing is on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes.

A barbell is horizontally pierced across the nose using a small gauge needle.  The length of the barbell is determined by the width of the bridge.

The only downside to this piercing is that there is a possibility that migration might occur. To prevent migration from occurring, it’s best to go to someone who has a lot of experience.

Nasallang nose piercings

A nasallang piercing goes through three areas of the nose and only requires one piece of jewelry. Both the nostrils and the septum are pierced simultaneously to achieve this piercing.

Average healing time takes up to four months and aftercare is of utmost importance.

Rhino piercing

The tip of the nose is vertically pierced directly through the cartilage. This piercing resembles the nose of a rhinoceros.

What nose piercing should you get?

Vaseline on Tattoos

If you’re looking for something subtle and simple than choose a simple nostril piercing. This will be ideal and, it’s low maintenance. On the other hand, if you want a nose piercing that stands out and is bold opt for a septum piercing or any of the other above mentioned piercings.